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Cheng Xiongzhi, President of Xiongzhi Capital Asia, invited participating the “Belt and Road” Summit

发布时间:2021-09-07 17:52:42 来源:财讯界


Recently, the sixth "Belt and Road" Summit Forum, jointly organized by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, was successfully held online. The theme of the forum is "Promoting Regional and International Trade to Lead Economic Growth" and mainly discusses the "Belt and Road" initiative. How to promote economic recovery in the post-epidemic era through multilateral cooperation such as the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP).


The “Belt and Road” initiative has played an active role in deepening international cooperation, promoting economic growth and improving people’s livelihood in countries and regions along the route, and effectively promoting the accelerated development of industrial chains and supply chains in countries and regions along the route. It has now become the world's most extensive , The largest international cooperation platform.

Mr. Cheng Xiongzhi, President of Xiongzhi Capital Asia, participated in the forum activities throughout the event, committed to in-depth study of the spirit of the conference, innovation and enhancement of industry awareness, inheriting the Silk Road spirit of openness and tolerance, mutual learning, mutual benefit and win-win, and actively exploring international economic and trade cooperation Opportunities for development will lay a solid foundation for subsequent extensive participation in regional economic cooperation, open up international market space, and contribute to the recovery of the world economy.

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Xiongzhi Capital Asia was established in Hong Kong in 2016. The company provides a wide range of investment banking services, including: mergers and acquisitions, asset sales, corporate reverse takeover activities, risk management, restructuring and spin-offs, and the provision of transactions directly related to these activities Strategic consulting services, the cumulative scale of mergers and acquisitions in this field has exceeded 3.525 billion yuan. At the same time, it actively deploys overseas business and has successfully opened up market channels in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and other countries and regions, fully demonstrating the strong operation management and business development capabilities of Xiongzhi Capital.

In the future, Xiongzhi Capital hopes to follow the steady pace of the country’s “One Belt One Belt” initiative, to develop in time, to accumulate strength, to continue to shine in more financial market hotspots around the world, and to maintain the good reputation of Chinese companies. Broadcast overseas Quartet.

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Overview of the 6th "Belt and Road" Summit Forum:

The forum was hosted by Qiu Tenghua, Director of the Bureau of Commerce and Economic Development of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government of the People’s Republic of China. On the first day of the opening, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Carrie Lam delivered a speech. Keynote Speech.

In the follow-up keynote speeches, guests included Brunei Prime Minister's Office and Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs Datuk Seri Liu Guangming, Philippine Minister of Trade and Industry Ramon Lopez, ASEAN Secretary-General Datuk Lin Yuhui, and Minister of Commerce of the Kingdom of Cambodia PAN Sorasak, Indonesian Deputy Minister of Trade Jerry Sambuaga, Thailand Assistant Minister of Commerce Sansern Samalapa, UAE Minister of State for Foreign Trade and Foreign Trade Thani Bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi and other key foreign government officials.


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